Parent & Student Responsibilities

Parent Responsibilities

parent-student-new-bus1. Students must utilize DC School Connect services on a regular basis. Parents must notify DC School Connect if their child will not be riding for five (5) or more consecutive school days due to illness or other reasons. Students who do not ride for five (5) consecutive school days or more may be removed from the vehicle roster. To inform DC School Connect of your child’s absence for 5 or more days, contact DC School Connect:

By completing the Long Term Absence Form

By phone: 202-559-3229

By email:

2. Students must be at their microstop within the five (5) minute window for pick-up. The five- minute window allows time for unforeseen uncontrollable events such as, weather conditions, traffic volume, accidents, construction delays, etc. Students who are habitually late will be removed from the vehicle’s roster.

3. Drivers and TAs will not contact parents or guardians to check on your status. The vehicle will not return to the microstop for any reason, as this causes students later along the route to miss the vehicle and/or the vehicle to arrive late to school.

4. If your child is in grades K through 3, you or one of your designated adults must meet the DC School Connect vehicle at the vehicle microstop after school. The TA will have a list of adults authorized to receive each student and will only release to someone on that authorized list. Adults receiving children in grades K through 3 will be required to show identification. If the authorized adult is regularly late for pick-up, the rider may be removed from the DC School Connect roster. If no authorized adult comes to the microstop within the ten-minute arrival PM time window, the child will be taken to the nearest police station.

5. Any student in grade 4 or higher is permitted by DC School Connect to walk home from the vehicle stop. It is up to you as the parent or guardian to decide whether this is appropriate for your child as a product of their age, maturity, and conditions along their route. If you do not feel that it is appropriate for your child to walk alone, then you should accompany your child to and from the vehicle stop or arrange for someone you trust to do so. You are responsible for selecting your child’s routes to and from the microstop.

6. In the event a parent/guardian is not at the PM micro stop (afternoon) for grades K through 3, the driver and or TA will contact the Supervisor on the shift. The Supervisor on the shift will attempt to contact the parent/guardian by phone to provide an ETA of the second attempt to drop off at micro stop, in the interim the driver will complete the route (drop-off the remaining students). The driver will make a second attempt to drop off the student at the micro stop. After the driver has made a second attempt, and the parent/guardian is still not at the micro stop, the driver will attempt to take the student back to school, if the school does not accept custody, the driver will take the student to the nearest police station. If the authorized adult is regularly late for pick-up, the rider may be removed from the DC School Connect roster.

7. Parents and guardians must keep a current and working phone number on file with DC School Connect in case of emergency.

8. Explain to your child the DC School Connect vehicle safety rules and appropriate vehicle riding behavior.

9. Space on DC School Connect vehicles can be tight. Large instruments and school projects may need to be carried on your student’s lap. Otherwise, large items must be transported by you.

10. You may call DC SchoolConnect to cancel afternoon service if you won’t need it that day. However, once cancelled for the day, it cannot be reinstated for that day.

11. At no time will the driver and or TA deviate from the route prescription. All pick-ups and drop- offs will be at a microstop.

12. Physically attacking the driver, TA, or a student will result in the permanent ban of transportation services for the remainder of the school year-zero tolerance. The incident may also be reported to the police department, depending on severity.

13. Fighting, possession of dangerous objects or weapons, possession or use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances, threating physical harm, opening emergency exit doors to exit the vehicle without authorization will result in the permanent ban of the student for the remainder of the school year-zero tolerance.

Student Responsibilities

1. If a student breaks of any these rules, they may lose the privilege to participate in this program.

2. Must always follow all safety instructions provided by the driver and transportation assistant (TA). It is their job to look out for students’ safety.

3. Be on time at the DC School Connect microstop. Students can only board and depart the vehicle at their designated microstop. The driver and TA cannot pick-up or drop-off any student at their home or other stops.

4. After the driver arrives at the micro stop, he or she will wait up to three (3) minutes after the scheduled time of the stop. For example, a driver is scheduled to arrive at 7:30 AM and leave at 7:33 AM. If the student has not arrived, the driver will proceed to the next microstop.

5. Must always board and exit the vehicle properly and safely as instructed by the TA and/or driver. Stand back from the curb. Do not run near the vehicle. Wait their turn to get on and off the vehicle. Do not push or shove anyone.

6. Never crawl underneath a DC School Connect vehicle. If a student drops something near the outside of the vehicle, the student must tell the driver and/or TA and wait for further instructions.

7. Always stay in their assigned seat unless the driver and/or TA tells them otherwise. Keep their seatbelt fastened at all times while the vehicle is conducting the route. The TA may assign seats and change them as needed if there is disruptive behavior on the vehicle.

8. Take their seat, buckle safety belt, and face forward always. If a booster seat is required, the driver and/or TA will assist them to safely secure the buckles.

9. Always talk quietly to the people sitting around them and keep their hands to themselves. There will be no yelling, fighting, wrestling, spitting, tripping, shoving, horseplay (play fighting), bullying, yelling, cursing, vanguard, or abusive language. These behaviors can startle or distract the driver and cause an accident.

10. Always keep their head, hands, legs, and arms inside the vehicle.

11. Always wait for a signal from the driver and/or TA before crossing the street. Always cross the street at least 10 feet in front of the vehicle so the driver can see them.

12. Students cannot eat food, candy, gum, or drink beverages on the vehicle. Water is the only exception.

13. Students cannot litter inside or outside of the vehicle.

14. Mobile equipment such as cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, etc. may be used to play games, listen to music, or watch videos only if equipped with headphones, and the volume is maintained at a level that does not disrupt other students, the TA and/or driver.

15. Students cannot play games, listen to music, or watch videos that have explicit graphics, images, gestures, or language.

16. Students cannot use their mobile devices to take pictures of self or others to transmit or store while in the vehicle.

17. Mobile equipment cannot be charged on the vehicle.

18. Parents/students should assume any and all responsibility for loss or stolen coats, backpacks, electronic mobile equipment, etc.

19. No use or possession of tobacco, vape pens, or controlled substances (including prescription or over-the-counter medications) while in the vehicle.


Parent Responsibilities

1. Students must utilize DC School Connect services on a regular basis. Parents must notify DC School Connect if their child will not be riding for five (5) or more consecutive school days due to illness or other reasons. Students who do not ride for five (5) consecutive school days or more may be removed from the vehicle roster. To inform DC School Connect of your child’s absence for 5 or more days, contact DC School Connect:

By completing the Long Term Absence Form

By phone: 855-435-3835

By email:

2. Students must be at their microstop within the five (5) minute window for pick-up. The five- minute window allows time for unforeseen uncontrollable events such as, weather conditions, traffic volume, accidents, construction delays, etc. Students who are habitually late will be removed from the vehicle’s roster.

3. Drivers and TAs will not contact parents or guardians to check on your status. The vehicle will not return to the microstop for any reason, as this causes students later along the route to miss the vehicle and/or the vehicle to arrive late to school.

4. If your child is in grades K through 3, you or one of your designated adults must meet the DC School Connect vehicle at the vehicle microstop after school. The TA will have a list of adults authorized to receive each student and will only release to someone on that authorized list. Adults receiving children in grades K through 3 will be required to show identification. If the authorized adult is regularly late for pick-up, the rider may be removed from the DC School Connect roster. If no authorized adult comes to the microstop within the ten-minute arrival PM time window, the child will be taken to the nearest police station.

5. Any student in grade 4 or higher is permitted by DC School Connect to walk home from the vehicle stop. It is up to you as the parent or guardian to decide whether this is appropriate for your child as a product of their age, maturity, and conditions along their route. If you do not feel that it is appropriate for your child to walk alone, then you should accompany your child to and from the vehicle stop or arrange for someone you trust to do so. You are responsible for selecting your child’s routes to and from the microstop.

6. In the event a parent/guardian is not at the PM micro stop (afternoon) for grades K through 3, the driver and or TA will contact the Supervisor on the shift. The Supervisor on the shift will attempt to contact the parent/guardian by phone to provide an ETA of the second attempt to drop off at micro stop, in the interim the driver will complete the route (drop-off the remaining students). The driver will make a second attempt to drop off the student at the micro stop. After the driver has made a second attempt, and the parent/guardian is still not at the micro stop, the driver will attempt to take the student back to school, if the school does not accept custody, the driver will take the student to the nearest police station. If the authorized adult is regularly late for pick-up, the rider may be removed from the DC School Connect roster.

7. Parents and guardians must keep a current and working phone number on file with DC School Connect in case of emergency.

8. Explain to your child the DC School Connect vehicle safety rules and appropriate vehicle riding behavior.

9. Space on DC School Connect vehicles can be tight. Large instruments and school projects may need to be carried on your student’s lap. Otherwise, large items must be transported by you.

10. You may call DC SchoolConnect to cancel afternoon service if you won’t need it that day. However, once cancelled for the day, it cannot be reinstated for that day.

11. At no time will the driver and or TA deviate from the route prescription. All pick-ups and drop- offs will be at a microstop.

12. Physically attacking the driver, TA, or a student will result in the permanent ban of transportation services for the remainder of the school year-zero tolerance. The incident may also be reported to the police department, depending on severity.

13. Fighting, possession of dangerous objects or weapons, possession or use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances, threating physical harm, opening emergency exit doors to exit the vehicle without authorization will result in the permanent ban of the student for the remainder of the school year-zero tolerance.

student responsibilities-dcst

Student Responsibilities

1. If a student breaks of any these rules, they may lose the privilege to participate in this program.

2. Must always follow all safety instructions provided by the driver and transportation assistant (TA). It is their job to look out for students’ safety.

3. Be on time at the DC School Connect microstop. Students can only board and depart the vehicle at their designated microstop. The driver and TA cannot pick-up or drop-off any student at their home or other stops.

4. After the driver arrives at the micro stop, he or she will wait up to three (3) minutes after the scheduled time of the stop. For example, a driver is scheduled to arrive at 7:30 AM and leave at 7:33 AM. If the student has not arrived, the driver will proceed to the next microstop.

5. Must always board and exit the vehicle properly and safely as instructed by the TA and/or driver. Stand back from the curb. Do not run near the vehicle. Wait their turn to get on and off the vehicle. Do not push or shove anyone.

6. Never crawl underneath a DC School Connect vehicle. If a student drops something near the outside of the vehicle, the student must tell the driver and/or TA and wait for further instructions.

7. Always stay in their assigned seat unless the driver and/or TA tells them otherwise. Keep their seatbelt fastened at all times while the vehicle is conducting the route. The TA may assign seats and change them as needed if there is disruptive behavior on the vehicle.

8. Take their seat, buckle safety belt, and face forward always. If a booster seat is required, the driver and/or TA will assist them to safely secure the buckles.

9. Always talk quietly to the people sitting around them and keep their hands to themselves. There will be no yelling, fighting, wrestling, spitting, tripping, shoving, horseplay (play fighting), bullying, yelling, cursing, vanguard, or abusive language. These behaviors can startle or distract the driver and cause an accident.

10. Always keep their head, hands, legs, and arms inside the vehicle.

11. Always wait for a signal from the driver and/or TA before crossing the street. Always cross the street at least 10 feet in front of the vehicle so the driver can see them.

12. Students cannot eat food, candy, gum, or drink beverages on the vehicle. Water is the only exception.

13. Students cannot litter inside or outside of the vehicle.

14. Mobile equipment such as cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, etc. may be used to play games, listen to music, or watch videos only if equipped with headphones, and the volume is maintained at a level that does not disrupt other students, the TA and/or driver.

15. Students cannot play games, listen to music, or watch videos that have explicit graphics, images, gestures, or language.

16. Students cannot use their mobile devices to take pictures of self or others to transmit or store while in the vehicle.

17. Mobile equipment cannot be charged on the vehicle.

18. Parents/students should assume any and all responsibility for loss or stolen coats, backpacks, electronic mobile equipment, etc.

19. No use or possession of tobacco, vape pens, or controlled substances (including prescription or over-the-counter medications) while in the vehicle.